If you sometimes forget to brush your teeth each morning and night, or you have a bad habit of not flossing at least once each day, the bacterial presence in your mouth could cause problems. Over time the build up of plaque acids in your mouth, and the acidic beverages you consume, could start to demineralize your tooth enamel.
If it’s not addressed in a reasonable amount of time, tooth enamel erosion could increase your chances of suffering from multiple cavities, as well as tooth sensitivity problems. At the same time demineralized teeth are increasingly prone to suffering chips and significant dental fractures.
It’s also worth noting that individuals who actively struggle with a chronic eating disorder like bulimia or anorexia can also struggle with demineralized tooth enamel.
Tooth enamel erosion can sometimes be addressed by making concentrated improvements in your daily oral hygiene regimen. This might also be accompanied by cutting down on acidic beverages and seeking treatment for any latent eating disorder issues.
Brushing your teeth with a fluoridated toothpaste that has earned the American Dental Association’s Seal of approval will certainly help. Fluoride has the special ability to gradually strengthen weakened tooth enamel.
It could also help to have a dentist like Dr. Lee J. Cowles, DMD administer a simple fluoride treatment at the end of your routine dental checkup. If it’s warranted, he might also provide you with a prescription for fluoride supplements.
If you live in the Portland, Oregon, area and you are concerned about the strength of your teeth, you should call phone] to schedule an appointment at the dental offices of Cowles Dental Care.