In order to sustain excellent oral health, you need to be doing all you can to keep your teeth healthy. If you haven’t already, ask our dentist at your next dental checkup about receiving fluoride treatment to reduce your risk of tooth decay.
You may have heard many opinions about fluoride and its efficacy, but rest assured the American Dental Association and the majority of dentists in America recommend fluoride to improve the quality of your teeth. Feel free to speak with our team about the benefits of fluoride treatment if you aren’t very familiar with the substance.
At Cowles Dental Care, we are happy to provide quick, easy fluoride treatment for patients at the end of their regular dental exams. After receiving fluoride, you will need to avoid brushing your teeth for a few hours so that it has time to penetrate your tooth enamel.
If you don’t have the option of receiving fluoride regularly through water or dental products, our dentist can prescribe daily fluoride supplements to enhance your tooth enamel.
A fluoride toothpaste is often helpful, but may not provide the concentration needed to prevent tooth decay and tooth sensitivity. If you have any symptoms of tooth decay or sensitivity, schedule an appointment with Dr. Lee J. Cowles, DMD as soon as possible to receive a dental exam.
For more information about fluoride treatment in Portland, Oregon, call Cowles Dental Care at 503-255-1506 today and arrange a visit with our friendly dentist.