Content Smiles: Diabetes and Your Smile

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Did you know that diabetes can play a role in your oral health? Diabetes is a physical condition that affects nearly 30 million people in the US. It consists of inefficiencies in your body’s ability to correctly process sugar. This can result in high blood sugar levels, which can cause several risks throughout your body, even for your teeth and gums. Furthermore, several oral health conditions such as gum disease can, in turn, affect diabetes and make it more difficult to handle. If you have any issues associated with diabetes or questions about diabetes and your oral health, be sure to let our dentist know.

Are you aware of the relationship between diabetes and your smile and what you can do to help keep your teeth and gums safe? Even though complications can arise in regard to diabetes, leading to dry mouth symptoms and delayed recovery time, it may be possible to minimize the effects and keep your smile safe.

Be aware though that complications with your oral health can, also lead to issues with your diabetes. This includes infections like gum disease causing increases in blood sugar which will, in turn, affect your diabetes. Even though diabetes can lead to several oral health risks, there’s plenty of options you have to improve your oral health care. Always make sure you are visiting our dentist for routine checkups and professional cleanings as well as specific treatments designed for your oral health care if you are diabetic.

No matter the diabetic oral health care you are in need of, Dr. Lee J. Cowles, DMD and our team at Cowles Dental Care are here to help you in every way we can. If you would like to set up an office visit to come see us at our office in Portland, Oregon, please call us at 503-255-1506 to speak with a member of our team.