Building your best smile includes making sure you are taking the time to assess all aspects of your oral health care. Your oral health care consists of more than just the attention given to it through cleaning methods. Always make sure to protect your smile from any risks that can arise from oral accidents or injuries from bad habits. Even... read more »
Did you know that diabetes can play a role in your oral health? Diabetes is a physical condition that affects nearly 30 million people in the US. It consists of inefficiencies in your body's ability to correctly process sugar. This can result in high blood sugar levels, which can cause several risks throughout your body, even for your teeth and... read more »
When was the last time you brushed up on your toothbrush care? If you haven't been slowly working out ways to enhance your oral health skills, you may not be providing the effective care your smile actually requires. Oftentimes, damage can still occur even if you are brushing and flossing every day simply because of poor techniques or ineffective cleaning... read more »
Effective cavity prevention begins with effective enamel erosion and prevention. Any harmful acids that linger in your mouth can slowly wear away your tooth enamel until a cavity forms. Thus, it is important to first the deal with the harmful acids so that they will not be able to damage the outer layer of your teeth. This includes taking all... read more »
Have you ever heard of cosmetic dentistry? You probably are aware of the options associated with it. Cosmetic dentistry refers to treatments that can be given for your oral health care to improve your smile’s aesthetic. In many situations; a single treatment can vastly improve your smile and give you the smile makeover you've always wanted. Furthermore, numerous options... read more »
Did you know that if you struggle with tooth sensitivity, there is a wide variety of treatments in the dental world reduce tooth sensitivity and help you manage the condition? Our dentist and team can help you identify what causes tooth sensitivity and which treatments are ideal for your condition. Here are five helpful treatments for tooth sensitivity: - Desensitizing... read more »
In order to sustain excellent oral health, you need to be doing all you can to keep your teeth healthy. If you haven’t already, ask our dentist at your next dental checkup about receiving fluoride treatment to reduce your risk of tooth decay. You may have heard many opinions about fluoride and its efficacy, but rest assured the American Dental... read more »
It is essential to use adequate oral health care techniques to keep your smile safe from harboring cavities and plaque buildup in your mouth. You can help accomplish this by chewing gum after meals to promote saliva formation. To help you understand more about why chewing gum is effective, our team is happy to give you some insight to help... read more »
If you sometimes forget to brush your teeth each morning and night, or you have a bad habit of not flossing at least once each day, the bacterial presence in your mouth could cause problems. Over time the build up of plaque acids in your mouth, and the acidic beverages you consume, could start to demineralize your tooth enamel. If... read more »
No matter how well you brush and floss, you still need to see your dentist for your routine cleanings and exams. Many dental problems, like oral cancer and gum disease are painless in their early stages, and your dentist may be the first one to spot a problem, In fact in many cases, regular dental visits will give the dentist... read more »